
Souris Verte

Parc Saint Paul

One blind mouse or three?

Theme ParkParc Saint Paul
AudienceOlder Families
ModelTwister Coaster 420 STD
Height43 ft
Length1378 ft
Max Speed29 mph
Spinning wild mouse rollercoaster

Spinning wild mouse rollercoaster

Souris Verte is a spinning wild mouse coaster at Parc Saint Paul near Paris.

The ride, a Zamperla Twister Coaster, is a fairly standard spinning wild mouse, albeit one with a nicely themed entrance through a giant block of cheese.

It is quite smooth, and in an unbalanced car offers an out-of-control spin, although this seems to be rare and if it doesn't hit the corners right then the ride can be quite boring.

Like most Zamperla versions of the wild mouse, the spinning is only unlocked during the second half of the ride beginning on the lower zig-zag section.

Saying a pretty bog standard spinning mouse is one of the best rides at a theme park doesn't say much about the park, but that's true of Parc Saint Paul with Souris Verte.

TPJ Rating: starstarhalf star
Thrills: starstarstarhalf star
Theming: starstarhalf star
Experience: starstarhalf star

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