
Wood Express

Parc Saint Paul

Saint Paul's compact woodie...

Theme ParkParc Saint Paul
TypeWooden Rollercoaster
Opened1 July 2018
ManufacturerGravitykraft Corporation
ModelWooden Coaster
Height50 ft
Length1588 ft
Max Speed38 mph
Wood Express

Wood Express

Wood Express is the only wooden rollercoaster at Parc Saint Paul, and one of only a handful of woodies in the whole of France.

It was opened at the park in 2018, and was built by Gravitykraft Corporation from a Gravity Group design. The double out-and-back style layout is fairly compact and the ride is short, but packed with airtime generating hills.

Partly due to its diminutive size, although Wood Express is a smooth and comfortable ride with airtime pops aplenty, it is still only an average-to-good woodie. It fails to deliver the same excitement, intensity or sheer bloody brilliance of the similarly sized Twister at Gröna Lund in Sweden for example.

In a theme park like Parc Saint Paul, Wood Express stands out as by far the best rollercoaster at the park in a way it probably would not at other places. It is worth a ride or two though.

TPJ Rating: starstarstarhalf star
Thrills: starstarstarstar
Theming: starhalf star
Experience: starstarstarhalf star

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