
Volcans Sacrés


Explore the myths and spiritual significance of some of the most infamous volcanoes...

Theme ParkVulcania
TypeDark Ride
ManufacturerETF Ride Systems
ModelMulti Mover
Duration5 minutes
Trackless dark ride

Trackless dark ride

Volcans Sacrés (Sacred Volcanoes) is an educational dark ride at Vulcania.

During their journey, riders pass through scenes that tell the legends and folklore surrounding some of the world's most famous volcanoes, including Devil's Tower in the USA, Mount Vesuvius in Italy and Mount Fuji in Japan.

Effective use is made of animatronics and projections to enhance the storytelling, and each scene is rich and detailed. The audio and narration is all in French, which is a disadvantage for non-French speakers although the visual aspects of the ride are enough to ensure everyone has at least a rough idea of what's going on.

The trackless ride vehicles were supplied by ETF Ride Systems. They really come into their own in the final section of the ride, where they spin around each other within the heart of a lava filled volcano.

Volcans Sacrés is a beautiful ride with impressive scene design, and is one of the star attractions at Vulcania. The theme - looking at how humans and volcanoes have coexisted for centuries and the spiritual significance of them - is a nice diversion from some of the more strictly scientific expositions of many of the park's other attractions.

TPJ Rating: starstarstarstar
Thrills: starstar
Theming: starstarstarstar
Experience: starstarstarstarhalf star

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