Take a mystical flight over Avalon on the back of the Pheonix...
Take a mystical flight over Avalon on the back of the Pheonix...
Theme Park | Toverland |
Park Area | Avalon |
Type | Rollercoaster |
Audience | Thrillseekers |
Opened | 7 July 2018 |
Manufacturer | Bolliger & Mabillard |
Model | Wing Coaster |
Height | 131 ft |
Length | 2667 ft |
Inversions | 3 |
Max Speed | 59 mph |
Duration | 1¾ minutes |
Fenix flies over Avalon
Fenix was launched in 2018 as part of Toverland's massive €35million expansion project, which also brought in Avalon, the new Arthurian legend themed land in which the ride sits.
The rollercoaster is a B&M Wing Coaster and, as the name suggests, is themed around the flight of a mythical phoenix. As with most other wing coasters from B&M, the ride is smooth aside from the characteristic wing coaster "bumps", and has some great floating moments although Fenix also manages some moments of sustained positive G forces.
The ride begins with a dark indoor section before the lift. It looks very much like it was originally intended to be a show area and there must have been budget constraints during construction, but hopefully something will be added here one day.
From the top of the lift, the rollercoaster begins with the iconic wing coaster diving drop, although on Fenix the trains take a 90° right hand turn before rather than dropping straight from the lift. Trains then fly through an airtime hill over the picturesque river before entering a head-chopping tunnel at the base of a large immelmann loop. This transitions into an intense positive-G filled helix around a stone circle set in marshland, with the right seats barely scraping the ground. A zero-G roll takes Fenix back over the river, before a series of banked turns takes the trains through what will be, when the trees are fully grown, a forested area back into the station building.
Fenix is undoubtedly one of the most photogenic wing coasters, if not of all rollercoasters, in the world. The setting in grassy Avalon, with the trains flying over the picturesque lake, is bewitching. It seems too that B&M have begun to learn how to get the best out of their wing coaster model, and together with Toverland have put that into action beautifully with Fenix.
Fenix ride sign
Entrance building
Fenix entrance
Station bridge
Left wing or right wing?
Right hand wing
Left hand wing
Control room
First drop
Airtime hill
Big air
Avalon river
Immelmann loop
Drop off the immelmann
Intense G
Zero G roll over Avalon
Zero G roll
Watching Fenix