Landing from the 1980s into the heart of X-Sector...
Landing from the 1980s into the heart of X-Sector...
Theme Park | Alton Towers |
Park Area | X-Sector |
Type | Trabant |
Audience | Older Families and Thrillseekers |
Opened | 18 March 2023 (replaced Enterprise) |
Owner | Raecher Hiscoe |
Twistatron is one of Alton Towers' Retro Squad team of flat rides and opened at the park for the 2023 season.
The ride sits within X-Sector on the former site of Enterprise. It features a large rotating disk which spins and tilts, with riders sat on pairs of outward facing seats around the outside circumference.
Twistatron is owned by UK showman Raecher Hiscoe and when not performing in its Retro Squad role it is known as Star Fighter. Hiscoe self-built the ride which premiered in 2021, modelling it on a Trabant ride but modifying the standard design by turning the seats around to face outwards.
Retro Squad's 2023 addition
Twistatron's ride sign
The ride reuses Enterprise's old queueline
Tilting and spinning
Oblivion passing by
The fairground ride has been set up temporarily for the season
Retro Squad's Spinjam and Twisatron sit next to each other in X-Sector
Nestled inside Oblivion's turnaround, on the former site of Enterprise