
The Bounty Pirate Ship

Drayton Manor

Swing high above the lake aboard The Bounty...

Theme ParkDrayton Manor
Park AreaFisherman's Wharf
TypePirate Ship
The Bounty

The Bounty

Intrepid sailors are invited to board The Bounty, a pirate ship moored at Fisherman's Wharf.

The ride is a swinging pirate ship style attraction from Intamin. It sits at the edge of Drayton Manor's main lake which is a magnificent setting, providing riders with the feeling of truly floating on the water.

It is not the first pirate ship at the theme park: Drayton had a previous Pirate Ship from Huss which operated at the park from 1982 to 2003 and sat on the site of G-Force.

Drayton's Bounty gives some good airtime at the top of the swings and, although maybe not the absolute best example of a pirate ship in the country, is a great filler ride for the park.

TPJ Rating: starstarstar
Thrills: starstarstar
Theming: starstarstar
Experience: starstarstar

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