

Gulliver's Valley

Model toy vehicles on display...

Theme ParkGulliver's Valley
Park AreaGears
AudienceAll Ages
Model buses on display

Model buses on display

Modelrama is a small model toy exhibition at Gulliver's Valley theme park.

The exhibits on display include a range of model cars, boats and aeroplanes which were originally owned by model collector Robin Freear. Robin lived in Coventry and worked for the car industry, which fueled his passion for his hobby collecting model vehicles. Over the years he amassed a spectacular collection of over 700 models.

Following his death in 2019, Robin's wish was for his collection to be sold to raise money for charity. Gulliver's purchased the models, which are now on display to be seen by the public.

The Modelrama collection can be found in a room to the right of the entrance to the Gears area, and is well worth spending a few minutes looking around.

TPJ Rating: starstarstarhalf star
Thrills: star
Experience: starstarstarhalf star

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