

Aktur Park

Ride the giant caterpillar...

Theme ParkAktur Park
TypeKiddie Coaster
Kiddie coaster

Kiddie coaster

Brucomela, also called Elma Kurdu according to some signs, is Aktur Park's wacky worm kiddie coaster.

The ride sits near the middle of the park and is easily spotted with its red-ish pink track and green supports and light up "Brucomela" signboard.

Like most wacky worms, the brightly coloured train has a large cartoon caterpillar face design at the front.

While the rollercoaster doesn't pass through a giant apple, there are a couple of smaller token red apples sitting inside the track for the train to circle around.

Overall Brucomela is a standard wacky worm, but very colourful and shiny and clearly being well looked after by the mechanics at Aktur Park.

TPJ Rating: starstarhalf star
Thrills: starstarhalf star
Theming: starstarstar
Experience: starstar

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