
Le Monstre

La Ronde

La Ronde's double track wooden rollercoaster...

Theme ParkLa Ronde
TypeWooden Rollercoaster
Opened20 July 1985 (first track)
1986 (second track)
Height131 ft
Max Speed60 mph
Length First track: 3996 ft
Second track: 4026 ft
DesignerWilliam Cobb and Associates
Le Monstre

Le Monstre

Le Monstre holds the record as the largest wooden rollercoaster in Canada (although to be fair there aren't a exactly a huge number of Canadian woodies overall!) and is one of the largest rides at La Ronde.

The ride is a two-track wooden coaster designed by William Cobb. The tracks were opened a year apart: the first in 1985, with the second added the following year in 1986.

The top of the lift hills tower over much of the rest of the theme park, but overall the ride looks more intimidating than it actually is. There are plenty of hills providing airtime in the first half, although things slow down after that with the second half not quite matching the thrills that came before.

Both tracks offer different layouts and accordingly slightly different ride experiences. While they start off running in parallel from the station and up the lift hill, from there they diverge. It is possible to spot the other train careering along the opposite track at times, but Le Monstre is definitely a rollercoaster with two intertwined tracks rather than being a racing style coaster.

Le Monstre is good, and it is nice to see Canadians having access to a large wooden coaster without having to cross the border into the USA. Unfortunately though it doesn't stand up too well against many other woodies out there, and lacks anything truly special to set it apart from the rest.

TPJ Rating: starstarstar
Thrills: starstarstarstar
Theming: starhalf star
Experience: starstarstar

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