

La Ronde

A Native American Spirit is here to mess with your mind...

Theme ParkLa Ronde
TypeGyro Swing


Manitou is a swinging, spinning thrill ride at La Ronde in Montréal.

The ride comes from Zamperla and is one of their Nitro models, although other manufacturers offer similar "frisbee" rides such as KMG's Afterburners.

Riders sit in a circle facing inwards on seats with their legs dangling. These are connected in groups of four to a central arm, which both spins the circle of seats and swings it high into the air during the ride.

Manitou has a nicely themed a-frame made to look like it is constructed from wood, with various Native American motifs painted up the sides.

Unfortunately unlike most Frisbees, Manitou is almost entirely lacking in forces which sadly results in a very boring ride. It may be named after a Native American spirit, but there's little experience to be had here - neither spiritual nor physical.

TPJ Rating: starhalf star
Thrills: starstarstarhalf star
Theming: starstarstar
Experience: starhalf star

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