

La Ronde

A monorail touring the park...

Theme ParkLa Ronde
AudienceAll Ages


La Ronde's Minirail is a scenic monorail ride which allows visitors to look out on the theme park from high up over the crowds.

The ride is one of the few remaining attractions from the Expo 67 world's fair which took place on the La Ronde site.

During the fair and for some time after, the monorail network consisted of three lines. The La Ronde "Yellow" Minirail is the only one still in operation.

The line circles the park on a 1.3 mile route and was originally known as the Yellow line due to the colour of the canopies over the minirail cars. Sometime in the years since, these have been replaced with green coloured versions.

Minirail is another welcome scenic ride at La Ronde, both for the sit down it provides and as a reminder of the history of the location.

TPJ Rating: starstarstar
Thrills: star
Experience: starstarhalf star

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