Chessington's Halloween event featuring spooky fun, new shows, a return of the vile villagers and the final year of Creepy Caves...
Chessington launched their annual Howl'o'ween event on 15 October 2022, which seemed an ideal day to
visit the park to have some spooky fun and explore what this year's halloween celebration had to offer.
Time for Howl'o'ween
It looked like it would be a busy day
I really don't rate the new Explorer Entrance: a metal fence just doesn't say "Welcome to Chessington, we're a world-class theme park second only to Disney" ... even with the addition of a pumpkin
Keep an eye out for the cupcakes
Buying our fastrack ticket for the traditional end-of-the-season Vampire ride later in the evening
We took our final ride of the season on Vampire - usually it would be in the dark, but coming so early in October we had to make do with twilight
Although there were fewer Halloween attractions at this year's Howl'o'ween, we had a fantastic time at the park.
I'm looking forward to returning back early next year to explore The World of Jumanji!