Getting creative inside The Brick and exploring deep within The Magical Forest...
Last year saw the launch of the new Lego Mythica land at
Legoland Windsor, along with the large new
Flight of the Sky Lion flying theatre.
The new additions for 2022 are more modest in scale:
The Brick, a new building housing thousands of Lego bricks to build with; and
The Magical Forest, a fantasy walkthrough to complement the other Mythica attractions.
I spent a lovely warm sunny Sunday in late May checking them out with my friends Margaret, Katie and Isaac...
Our day started at The Beginning, as all trips to Legoland necessarily must
First off came the long trek down the hill
A large new green building has appeared in Miniland
This is The Brick, one of two new attractions at Legoland for 2022
Inside is a long twisting trough containing thousands of Lego bricks to play with
I "helped" Katie build her infinity pool
Leaving The Brick (and the bricks) behind, we sat in the sunshine having a coffee in Duplo Playtown
Katie and Isaac built a fish in Lego Reef before they had to leave to get home
Margaret and I made The Dragon our final ride of the day
We popped our head into the old Enchanted Forest, which is now looking increasingly abandoned with all the old models removed
Catching the Hill Train - with its fancy new path - back up to the top
It had been another great day at Legoland Windsor. The weather had been perfect, with warmth and sun all day. The queues weren't overly long and we were able
to get onto most stuff we wanted to. While they aren't exactly earth-shattering additions, The Brick and The Magical Forest are both welcome new attractions
and both have very "Legoland" vibes.